Meniscus Repair Rehab
General Guidelines
- Ensure you achieve full extension
- Full patellofemoral mobility all planes
- Limit ROM for flexion to 90° for the first 3 weeks
- Avoid deep squatting for 6 months
- Avoiding twisting on a planted foot for 6 months
Phase I – Week 0-6
- Weeks 0-3: TDWB, Brace locked full extension (Permit AROM 0-90)
- Weeks 4-6: PWB 50%, Brace locked full extension (Permit AROM – Full)
- Re-established ROM with heels slides, ham/calf stretching, gravity assisted stretching
- Start aqua jogging once incisions are closed
- Quad setting with four directional SLRs
- Ankle theraband exercise
- Core exercises at 4 weeks (planks/sideplanks 10 x each for time)
- At 6 weeks start swiss ball bridging 30 x 10-20 seconds holds
Phase II – Week 6-12
- Normalize gait pattern
- Initiate body weights squats
- Initiate balance program (start on ground and progress to unstable surfaces/eyes closed)
- At 8 weeks start single leg machine press from 10-80° 4 x 10
- At 10 weeks start eccentrics with single leg machine press 40 x 10 second duration with weight lowering (continue 10-80°)
- At 10 weeks start step-downs (reverse with eccentric control) 4 x10 (small step height 4-3 inches)
- At 10 weeks and hypers and reverse hypers
- Continue with cycling and aqua jogging program
- Continue with SLRS
- Continue stretching until completely symmetric ROM
- Can add prone quad stretching with strap at 12 weeks
Phase III – Week 12-16
- Continue with phase II activities
- Star single leg closed chain exercise 4 x 10 each (ie single leg squats with forward reaches, single leg RDLs, single leg squats with real-leg elevated, step- downs reverse, reverse split-squats). Add loads progressively (ie hold weight plate, med ball, or wear weighted vest).
- Start dynamic warm-up drills at 12 weeks
- Start dynamic lunges (forward, reverse, walking) at 16 weeks. Add loads progressively
- If pressing strength is at 80% or greater of unaffected leg (test with 10 rep max on the cybex ) then begin running program at 12-16 weeks
- Begin with interval jogging on treadmill with feedback to normalize pattern
- Progress to treadmill jogging
- Move outdoors to running on track
- Continue with core training progressively (add WB core exercises)
Phase IV – Weeks 16-20 to return to sports
- Start agility training at 16 weeks
- Start double leg plyos at 18 weeks (begin with broad jumps- take- off and landing must be fully symmetric to progress jump training). Progress to single leg plyos when double leg plyos are symmetric (at 20 weeks)
- Initiate sprinting and return to sport drill at 20 weeks
- Pass functional/ strength testing and return to sport at 24 weeks or when released by MD
- Pressing strength at 90% or greater
- Symmetric with single leg unsupported squat
- No faulty movement patterns
- Triple hop teste at 85% or greater with symmet4ric movement quality