Shoulder Labral Repair/Capsulorraphy Rehab

0-2 weeks post op

Arm in sling/ immobilizer for 2 weeks.

Remove arm from sling twice a day to fully extend the elbow and perform gentle pendulum exercises.

Work on hand grip and finger straightening.

Modalities as needed.

2 weeks post op

Cont. as above

Wear sling/immobilizer during the daytime, keep arm close to body when out of sling.

Rotator cuff sub-maximal isometrics in immobilizer in flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,

Internal/external rotation.

Chin tuck

Pendulum ex’s

PROM with ATC or PT no shoulder pulleys

Flexion 90°

Abduction 90°

Internal Rotation 30° in scapular plane

External Rotation 30° with arm at side

Extension neutral 

Scapular ex’s-elevation with shrugs, depression, retraction, protraction with manual resistance in these motions

4 weeks post op

Cont. as above

D/C sling/immobilizer

Advance IR to full and begin light T-band IR ex’s elbow at side

“Sleeper stretch” of posterior capsule. (Side-lying in affected side arm flexed to 90°. Use opposite arm to

            Internally rotate affected arm.)

PROM with shoulder pulleys or assisted ROM

Abduction, Flexion overhead as tolerated to full

Internal Rotation 90°with arm at side and abducted to 90°

External Rotation 30° with arm at side and abducted to 90°

Begin AAROM ex;s standing or supine with wans

Wall walks

6 – 12 weeks post op

Cont. as above

Advance ROM TO FULL AS TOLERATED, BUT LIMIT External Rotation to 45° both with arm at side and abducted to 90° until 3 months post op. Strive for GH/SC movement of 2:1


Begin standing isotonic RC ex’s advance the weight on all ex’s to 6-8 lbs.

Flexion to 90° thumb pointing up (flex shoulder to full with weight when able)

Abduction 90° thumb pointing up (abduct shoulder to full with weight when able)

Scaption 90° thumb pointing up, elevate arm in plane of scapula, (empty can position)

Scaption 90° thumb pointing down, same position as above but stop at 60°of abduction